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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Other parties have no right to govern, Harper says

Read about it here.

Only the party that wins the most seats gets to govern, he says. Anything else, the public will not buy. In other words, me me me me me gimme my goddamn majority and no one else gets to play with my ball.

Once again, Steve:

Mandate = confidence of Parliament.
No confidence = no mandate. 

Is that too hard for you?

Jesus H. Christ. Will no one rid us of this troublesome autocrat?

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  1. many of us keep saying it over and over - the press needs to point out harper's lies - in the headlines, clearly. Too few people read far enough into articles, even when the writer actually points out the truth further on.

    I've seen a little improvement in the press this time around, but not nearly enough, so for now, Dana's right.

  2. People like Ned Franks have said that Harper is talking "constitutional nonsense."

    Meanwhile Harper keeps throwing out "wreckless coalition" as a red herring to keep the hounds from following the smell of abuse from the likes of Bruce Carson, Demitri Soudas and Tony Clements.

    It's all about creating a diversion.

  3. As an economics student, Stevie had his nose so far up Flanagan's ass for four or more years that he missed that PoliSci lecture on the history, functioning and rules of the Westminster model of government.

  4. "I've seen a little improvement in the press this time around, but not nearly enough, so for now …"

    I recently heard someone refer to the press these days as "simply stenographers" for the government, reposting press releases almost verbatim.

    Sad commentary on the media and their collective lack of investigative journalism.


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