But hey, I could be wrong. Whaddaya say, @TorontoPolice Tweeter dudes? Yeah, Jeff Bangild and Tim Burrows and Tony Vella and Peter Sloly, I'm looking at you. Should be pretty easy to out this worthless piece of shit, no?
I mean, you don't want the whole force to be condemned over the actions of a few bad apples, do you?
After all, don't cops make a big deal of it when witnesses don't come forward?
And it's not as if this asshole's buddies would suddenly go deaf, dumb and blind or anything, is it?
Because God knows, if the rest of you just look the other way when scumbags like this do their thing, then how are you any better than they are? And you wouldn't want people getting the idea you just cover for the bullying pigs in your midst, or that your dysfunctional organizational culture enables this kind of crap or anything, would you?
Well, you do like to go on about how important it is for you to rebuild your relationship with the community and earn our trust. I'm sure you'll do the right thing. And monkeys will fly out of my ass.
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- Police accountability in Toronto | #G20
- How's that "building relations" thing going, @TorontoPolice Tweeter guy?
Yes that cop should be taken aside and have a little talking to. I had the same problem in TO coming home from work at mid night. I got dragged down an alley by cops demanding names of drug dealers (1980's). I had to get legal protection from this cop cause he threaten to return me to the same alley. I was a student going to college and from out of town and new to the neighborhood.
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