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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Critics accuse Mayor Ford of getting all Shock Doctrine-y | Ford Focus | torontolife.com

Critics accuse Mayor Ford of getting all Shock Doctrine-y | Ford Focus | torontolife.com

Writing in Toronto Life, John Michael McGrath draws the comparison but then appears to soften it:

... but given that 96 per cent of Toronto’s services are impossible to cut, as those KPMG audits keep finding, Ford really isn’t going to be able to change people’s lives the way, say, a Latin American junta might. So it’s a mild shock, if it’s anything.

That may be, but the broader picture includes a looming provincial election which could see the return of the Harrisite slash-burn-and-pillage approach in the form of a Hudak government. When we consider that the municipal government is a creature of the province in that light, there's no telling what kind of services will continue to be mandated, and what kind of latitude Mayor Stupid is going to have to wield the axe.


  1. I was just thinking this morning that someone should tell Ford that if you're going to run gov't as a business, it's important that the CEO not have shit for brains.

    Good point about Hudak "de-mandating" services. Something tells me that if Hudak gets elected, there will be genuine tension between him and Ford, like there was between Harris and Lastman. Hudak won't have the money after his tax cuts and he'll respond to Ford's genuine anger by allowing him to slash services altogether.

    It's just because I think both these guys are complete morons, and their puppet-masters aren't really much smarter. "Everything they touch turns to crap."

  2. yeah, the conservatives seem to have the reverse Midas touch


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