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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Libya yes, Bahrain no

So the Western war machine is revving up to go to work in Libya because it's a clearcut situation of humanitarian intervention.

It's obvious, isn't it? An entrenched autocratic regime, enriched by oil revenue, brutally repressing the popular aspirations of its own people.

Completely different situation in Bahrain, right? In that case, you've got an entrenched autocratic regime, enriched by oil revenue, brutally repressing the popular aspirations of its own people.

How is it different? Well, because ... because ... because ... just shut up. It just is, OK?

(And it's not as if there's any ulterior motive.)

(Update: h/t Mound of Sound.)


  1. It is the same ... militarily superior foreign powers protecting obvious zones of self-interest. That makes everything perfectly alright.

  2. Craig Murray, one-time British diplomat:

    "A senior diplomat in a western mission to the UN in New York, who I have known over ten years and trust, has told me for sure that Hillary Clinton agreed to the cross-border use of troops to crush democracy in the Gulf, as a quid pro quo for the Arab League calling for Western intervention in Libya."

    Suggesting that supporters of democracy in Bahrain were effectively sacrificed so that Western powers could intervene precisely where intervention would be in their own interests while still putting the best spin on it. Haven't seen independent confirmation for this but I don't have a lot of trouble believing it.


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