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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

And the PB exits continue ... @DrDawg and @gallopingbeaver

The good folk over at DJ and Regina Mom we know about already.

Today, we note the departure of the Dawg and the collective over at TGB.

Not sure whether this is part of a larger pattern, but the need to reclaim the term "progressive" still stands. If you want to call yourself that, you don't put the rights of your fellow citizens on the debating table. You just don't.

And just so the PB admins can't misrepresent this, it's hard to square that with their suggestion that anyone was calling for banning. But apparently even a reiteration of that simple principle was asking too much.

Not only that, there's the arrogance and condescension of their response, for which Dr. Dawg has called them out (Thanks Dawg. Thought I was the only one for a minute there):

The response of Tribe and his moderators to legitimate concerns has been shocking, and I’m not easily shocked these days. This is 2012, and they still don’t get it. Their scorn, smugness and arrogance, with which they appear to be plentifully endowed, have been directed at the pro-rights crowd, not at those who want to debate whether those rights should even exist. The caricatures they’ve been pushing are drearily familiar to anyone following the feminist conversations over the past two or three decades. The goodly folks at DAMMIT JANET! who reacted to their rights being put up for debate have been stereotyped and lampooned. Fern Hill is an “idiot,” avers a prominent Liberal. Those concerned about a progressive aggregator offering safe harbour to those who want to debate human rights for women are, in Tribe’s words, “screaming banschees” [sic].

Not only that, but there's a disturbing willingness to smear and misrepresent as well -- if not on their parts, then on the part of one of their supporters ...

As our comrades note, it's not as if we need this particular aggregator in order to get traffic. But we can't let the term "progressive" be hijacked. Words matter, and so do their meanings. We've got work to do.

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  1. I will also point out another high traffic and very popular BC blogger.

    The Gazetteer

  2. You can add Luna of Feminist Christian Socialist to the list http://feministchristian.blogspot.ca/2012/04/my-line-in-sand.html The admin at Progressive Bloggers have mishandled this in spectacular fashion.

  3. And here's someone who has returned to blogging to voice his view. Tattered Sleeve.

    The Gazetteer has also quit.

  4. You gotta read this. <a href="http://bit.ly/HqOoM2>Scott in 2008</a> trying to outsmart Pale at ACR. And whinging about scary feminists.

    He hasn't learned a thing.

  5. Fern's link is here, for anyone having trouble with the bit.ly thing.

    1. Thanks. Is that a security thing with the bitly? If so, I won't do it again.

  6. Don't forget The Cylinder:


  7. I just noticed that WK hisself is now a member of Prog Blog. That's kinda like pouring gasoline on a fire, IMO.

  8. Not that I'm posting much these days, but I've opted Moved to Vancouver out of PB also.

    Rather hard to believe that wk is considered progressive in any way, shape or form. Guess my partner "drf" may be correct in his oft-stated refrain: "The whole world is becoming more conservative."

    Scary thought, that . . . .

  9. I happily pulled out weeks ago and was thrilled to see Canadian Progressive Voices launch. See ya later Regressive Rump!


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